Grant requests may be for projects, activities, books, equipment, or anything that enhances the academic lives of children at Quatama Elementary School. While preference is given to proposals that offer school-wide access to students, teachers and/or parents are also encouraged to submit proposals that will benefit their individual classrooms or grade level.
The principal will do the first review of proposals for content, appropriateness, and to determine if alternate funding sources are available. The CCC Board will then review the request and present it to members for a vote at the next CCC meeting. We look forward to hearing about your project.
For the 2023-2024 school year, each teacher will be reimbursed for classroom needs up to a certain amount. In order to be reimbursed, you must submit all receipts via our quick and easy online reimbursement form. There, you'll be able to tell us what the funds were used for, share a photo of your receipt, and let us know how you'd like to be reimbursed (venmo, paypal, or check).
To easily see how much of your funds you have left for the 2023-2024 school year, click the button to view the spreadsheet with how much has already been reimbursed and how much you have left.
Please fill out a grant request form if you have a special project that may require additional funds.